Think about the last time it took you a long time to complete a task. You stared at that item on your to-do list and likely put it off multiple times throughout the day. Maybe you pushed it to the next day and the next day until it finally fell off your list and you didn’t get near your goal.
Or maybe you found yourself rushing to accomplish it because the deadline was fast approaching. Why are you doing this?
I call it the two p’s – procrastination and perfection.
Chances are your procrastination stems from the fact that the task has to be “perfect.” You’ve convinced yourself that the project is going to take a lot of time because you can’t put out a less than stellar work product.
Perfection is a form of fear. What you’re really telling yourself is that you only feel comfortable delivering work that is 100%.
Guess what? Nothing is perfect.
If you read the story above and were nodding your head, chances are you know that feeling of dread.
You don’t have to feel that way anymore if you shift your mindset and accept imperfections.
Most of the time, it’s better to get out B+ work than A+ work. The A+ work makes you live in procrastination. It causes anxiety. It causes stress.
Once you’re ok with the B+ work, you’ll find that you get better at accomplishing the tasks you originally thought were hard. Perfection anxiety is real. If we succumb to it, we won’t achieve what we want.
Accept the B+ work because, in the end, you’ll get more accomplished and be closer to your goals.
Stay healthy in mind and body
Doreen Yaffa
Board Certified Marital & Family Attorney, Life Coach
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