Modifications Attorneys in Boca Raton Assisting You and Your Child With Compassionate Care
With a substantial change in circumstances during life, and after divorce, there may be instances where you need to make modifications to your settlement agreement or time-sharing and parenting plans for the children. We understand that circumstances change and modification to child support or spousal support alimony may need to be adjusted to help everyone going forward. Although court orders may initially mandate certain alimony payments or child support payments to be made, a modification attorney can fight to make sure you pay fair child support.
Can You Modify Child Custody Without a Lawyer?
If one person’s financial circumstances situation changes, the child custody or alimony agreements may also be modified. In these cases, you will need to seek relief to modify the original agreement and or judgment. You can try to modify child custody without a lawyer but it may be more effective and efficient to proceed with an experienced modification attorney by your side.
What’s An Example of a Change of Circumstance to Seek a Modification?
Typically, grounds are based on a significant change in circumstances. For example, child custody may need to change if the visitation schedule no longer is in the child’s best interest and the change giving rise to the circumstance was not contemplated.
How Do I Modify Child Custody in Florida?
Child custody is calculated in part due to how many overnights you spend with your children. If that changes, your child support may also need to change.
How Can a Modifications Attorney Help Me?
As your children grow, things may need to change in their lives, such as the visitation schedule. If your ex-spouse disagrees, we can take the time to discuss your options during a confidential strategy session. Although child support is often requested for modification, an experienced modification attorney can help with all sorts of modification requests.
Yaffa Family Law Group is sensitive to these kinds of issues and has helped many clients to get a modification for their agreements after the divorce is final. We understand circumstances change and we will do whatever it takes to support you and your family during these ever-changing times. Whether it is a modification for child support or custody, our family law lawyers can assist you with a modification and make your life easier.
Yaffa says, “while we all; settle the matter or go to trial hoping never to return it is best to realize that sometimes things happen that we did not contemplate (although part of our expertise is to assure, we think for you prospectively, things happen. Don’t live stuck, change what you can is the key.”
Also, many times couples decide to update their agreements, including prenuptial and postnuptial agreements and can do so by way of an amendment, which can be modified at any time you want. Our law firm can help with that also. No matter your modification needs, a modification lawyer can help change your court orders to get you to a place that more aligns with your situation.