Spring has sprung and this time of year usually consists of rays of sunshine and blooming flowers. This season also brings the celebration of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. We hope all the moms out there have a great day tomorrow. We know this day may not be easy for some of you. It may be the first Mother’s Day your children go back to their dad’s house after spending just a few hours together. It may be the first time you are alone with your children on this holiday and wondering why there’s no gift or card this year from them. You could be the mom who can’t afford to do much this Mother’s Day, as you are struggling just to make ends meet as you navigate the possibility of ending your marriage.Holidays and divorce are never easy, but as adults, we have the power to try to make it a positive experience when we can. At Yaffa Family Law Group, we encourage our clients to work together with their soon-to-be ex-spouses so that each parent has equal time with their children on holidays to ease the stress levels of all involved. We know the hardest part is adjusting to the new schedule, new normal of shared custody, and holidays, but the benefits for your children are enormous.
Some tips when it comes to celebrating Mother’s Day and Father’s Day include:
- Buy a card from your children for their mom/dad and have them fill it out and bring it with them on that special day.
- Plan those weekends out ahead of time so there is no angst or surprises on those holidays.
- Offer for your children to spend the entire weekend with that parent celebrating instead of just a Sunday.
- If a conflict arises and your children can’t be with you on your special day, just pick a different day and celebrate!
- Split the day with their stepmother/stepfather if your ex-spouse is remarried-this is a hard one but a great way to show kindness & acceptance for all who care for your children.
Handling these holidays with your children in mind, will go a long way and set the tone for how future milestones will be handled.
If you are contemplating divorce here in South Florida or have any questions about your current parenting plan in place, please reach out to me to set up your complimentary strategy session. We will work with you to customize the best plan for you, your family, and your divorce.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Doreen Yaffa
Board Certified Marital & Family Attorney, Life Coach
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