Divorce Lawyers in Boca Raton Working With Your Family to Make Your Divorce as Easy as Possible
When you get divorced and have children, there are additional factors that are required to be considered and addressed in what is known as a Parenting Plan that generally covers timesharing and co-parenting issues as well as child support-related items.
What Can Complicate the Child Support Process?
The issue of support for the children and what is covered both with basic child support and extras such as private school, childcare, camps, and uncovered medical and related items is also addressed among other expense items. The process may become more complicated depending on other issues to be addressed such as abuse or other issues that might give rise to limited access.
What is a Parenting Plan?
Parenting plan and timesharing documents include a visitation schedule and shared parental responsibilities. The plan outlines when the children will spend time with each parent, drop off and pick up schedules (where and when), and how decisions about the child’s wellbeing will be made after the divorce.
What Do I Do After Coming Up with a Parenting Plan?
The parenting plan and timesharing schedule must be filed with the court and approved. The goal of this document is always what is in the “child’s best interest.
How is Child Support Determined?
Child support determines who pays what and how much. The state of Florida uses a calculation based on many factors, which will be figured out and including as part of the overall divorce settlement or ultimately at trial as needed.