Yaffa Family Law Group
By: Doreen Yaffa

Limited Appearance/Consultation

Agreements, Collaborative Divorce, Divorce

Not all divorces need to cost a great deal. Often, the parties in a Florida family law case do not have the financial resources to hire an attorney to litigate their entire divorce. Alternatively, financially constrained litigants may choose to hire an attorney on a limited basis. Clients can do this by signing a retainer agreement for limited representation.

For example, if a litigant wants to hire an attorney for only one aspect of their divorce, such as equitable distribution, they could save on legal fees by hiring an attorney to negotiate and settle the distribution of assets and debts, instead of paying to have an attorney draft documents or negotiate terms that do not require legal assistance.

Our firm is available to assist you with the area of your divorce that requires legal assistance, while you’re able to save money. There are also many forms that are available online that can be filled out and filed without needing an attorney.

Another option to keep costs down and remain flexible is to hire a “consulting” attorney for your divorce. As a consulting attorney, we cannot communicate directly with your spouse or their attorney, and cannot represent you in court or at a deposition, but we can explain the nuances of your divorce proceedings, including proposed agreements. On the contrary, if you want to hire us to appear on your behalf at deposition or mediation, that would be a limited appearance or representation as discussed above.

We invite you to contact Yaffa Family Law Group to schedule a consultation at info@yaffalawfamilygroup.com or (561) 276-3880. Our divorce lawyers represent clients throughout Broward and Palm Beach Counties.

About the Author

Tamara-Grossman-full-size-retouched-150x150 Limited Appearance/Consultation
Tamara Grossman is an attorney with eight years of courtroom experience in family law and other legal matters. Ms. Grossman has been a partner in a multistate litigation law firm and, most recently, was an attorney at a Boca Raton family law firm.


About Your Family Law Matter

(561) 276-3880

Yaffa Family Law Group
Boca Raton Main Office

301 Yamato Road #2190

Boca Raton, Florida 33431

Fort Lauderdale

By Appointment Only

Fort Lauderdale, FL


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Wellington, FL

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Palm Beach Gardens, FL


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Miami, FL

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