Yaffa Family Law Group
By: Doreen Yaffa

Monday Message: April 27, 2020

Looking Forward: Building an Amazing Life
What is buffering? Why do we do it? Why should we avoid it?

Buffering is when you are doing an activity to avoid a feeling. Those feelings could be anxiety, fear or sadness. While these feelings are very real, no one wants to feel this way.

Maybe you’re overeating, drinking too much, or over Netflixing. These are all examples of buffering.

Buffering helps you feel better in the moment. It’s an immediate positive feeling and a dopamine rush. But it has consequences. Extra weight and not feeling good after the initial rush are some of the minor issues. Addiction and serious health problems are examples of longer-term problems that can arise from constant buffering.

If you find yourself buffering. Take a pause.

Ask yourself:

Why am I doing this activity?
Should I be doing this right now?
Am I avoiding another feeling?

Work on setting goals that will get help you overcome the urge to buffer. This goal should be more sustainable and more important to you than any immediate dopamine hit you can get from buffering.

For example, set a workout goal. Get yourself in the routine of working out, eating well and getting in the sleep you need. When something triggers you and you want to go for that extra drink, piece of cake, just three more Netflix shows, remembering your workout goal will stop you from defaulting to buffering.

Work through that uncomfortable feeling. Remember, it’s just a feeling. You’re going to be ok by letting it go and focusing on the bigger goal.

You have bigger goals in mind and negative feelings are not going to stop you from achieving them.

Stay healthy in mind and body.

Doreen Yaffa
Board Certified Marital & Family Attorney, Life Coach

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