Yaffa Family Law Group
By: Doreen Yaffa

Monday Message: May 3, 2021

Looking Forward: Building an Amazing Life

What is Fear?

Fear has been defined as “Fault Evidence Appearing Real” to the person experiencing the emotion of fear. In most circumstances, it’s just a thought in your mind – nothing more.

Why is a divorce attorney talking about fear? Some people think that if they speak to a lawyer about divorce to learn about what they would be entitled to and the different processes available to them, that they are acknowledging they’re getting a divorce and they are fearful that their spouse might find out.

If you have those worries, keep the following in mind:

It’s just information. Whether it be a phone call, Zoom meeting, or in-person, it doesn’t mean you’re getting a divorce and that your marriage is over. It just means you’re gaining knowledge.
If you’re fearful that your spouse will find out, that’s a valid concern but the meeting is confidential. This means you have the attorney-client privilege – no one else in the world will know what is discussed during that meeting.

Put aside your fear. If you have any questions regarding divorce or family law matters, schedule a complimentary strategy session. Knowledge is key.

Wishing you an amazing week.

Doreen Yaffa

Board Certified Marital & Family Attorney, Life Coach

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(561) 276-3880

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