Agreements Lawyers in Wellington Ensuring Your Present and Future
As you progress through a relationship, it is possible that marriage becomes a greater and greater possibility. For many people, marriage may be a happy notion that they welcome but those same people understand just how fragile some marriages can be. With nearly half of all marriages ending in divorce, you may want to consider having a backup plan just in case your marriage does not work out.
Fortunately for those who are cautious and mindful of the unfortunate realities of marriage, a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement can alleviate many of the concerns plaguing couples about their finances and assets. Additionally, for couples who have divorced or are in the process of divorcing, alimony agreements may be set up to provide financing support for people who relied on their spouses to provide for them. No matter which of those agreements you need help on, you should consider hiring an agreements lawyer to oversee the process and get you the best outcome possible.
Can a Lawyer Assist Me With a Prenuptial Agreement?
Prenuptial agreements are struck before a marriage takes place. You may have heard about many celebrities getting prenuptial agreements before getting married. Prenuptial agreements are often sought after if one or both people in the impending marriage are significantly wealthy or if they are about to enter their second, third, or even fourth marriage. A prenuptial agreement can protect you and your assets just in case a divorce happens. You and your soon-to-be spouse must agree on the terms of a prenuptial agreement. Striking an agreement can be difficult but our agreements attorneys can help clear the air and steer you and your loved one towards a peaceful and favorable resolution for all.
What is Alimony?
In many marriages, there is an unofficial head of household that provides the finances for the family. Marriages where one person is dependent on the other to provide basic life necessities often require alimony if a divorce occurs. There are many factors that play into how much alimony is paid out and for how long. Sometimes, alimony payments are only temporary but in other cases, they can be permanent. Coming to terms with a fair alimony plan can be difficult. Our family law attorneys can fight hard to ensure that you are giving or receiving a fair amount of alimony.
Can I Get An Prenuptial Agreement Done After I’ve Been Married?
After you have been married, you may have been fortunate enough to increase your wealth. Finances are one of the primary catalysts of divorce. Knowing that, many people may want to protect their assets after getting married. Fortunately, a postnuptial agreement can serve as a safety valve for many people following a marriage. Although many people think a prenuptial agreement may be their last chance to protect their future, a postnuptial agreement works very similarly to a prenuptial agreement. To maximize the effectiveness of your postnuptial agreement and ensure accuracy, it may be best to hire an agreements attorney to help you achieve peace of mind.
Do I Need an Agreements Attorney for My Case?
Attempting to construct an agreement that is meant to protect you and your assets in the future all on your own or without experienced help can be daunting. Even the smallest oversight can cost you tremendously should any issues arise down the road. Protect your future and give yourself peace of mind by consulting with our team of family law attorneys. We are equipped to handle your needs, whether you are constructing a prenuptial agreement or need to dictate the terms of alimony payments.
Without the proper legal help, you may be making a mistake that can cost you dearly in the long-run. Just like car insurance and health insurance protect you when things go south, family-related agreements can protect you down the road. You will be in good hands with the Yaffa Family Law Group. Call us today at (561) 276-3880 to book a complimentary strategy session with our team.