So, you got married. You had a beautiful wedding full of memories that will last you a lifetime. Maybe you and your spouse had children, bought a house, got new jobs, moved again, went on vacations, and lived happily ever after. No? That’s not what happened? You want to split from your spouse? Or worse, your spouse wants to split from you? This is not how you envisioned your life going… Let’s take a deep breath. Okay, that’s better. This is a tough time in your life but it’s just a moment. Albeit, a moment that seems so unbelievably terrible and gut-wrenching that you want to throw up. But, with time, everything will be okay.
Although going through a divorce is not on anyone’s checklist of things to do in their lives, for some people, it is something that must be done, and sometimes for the better of the couple’s well-being, and for any children they may have. Everyone thinks they know what going through a divorce means –arguing over assets, figuring out who will get custody of the kids, crying, more arguing, spending tons and tons of money, more court dates and meetings you can count and about a year or so later you’re divorced. You just went through a hurricane of emotions, time and money and now it’s time to move on. But what if there was a different approach to divorce that wouldn’t cause all the headache, and the time, and the money? This approach is called Collaborative Divorce. It’s also sometimes called Collaborative Family Law, and it’s a process where there are no court dates, no judge, and no drawn-out court proceedings. Yes, no judge and no court! It’s more efficient, it’s faster and much less costly compared to traditional divorce litigation.
Save your money.
Traditional litigated divorces can literally cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and if you or your spouse are especially wealthy, it could cost you even more. That’s money that could’ve been in your pocket instead of wasted on court and legal fees. Typically, a divorce done through the collaborative divorce process costs one-eighth of the cost of a litigated one! Of course every divorce case is different and unique but the longer a divorce takes to finalize and the more people involved with your case, the more money you will be spending.
Don’t waste your time.
As mentioned before, litigated divorces can take months and months and sometimes over a year to finalize. When you’re already going through something as mentally draining as a divorce, why would you want to drag it on? With a collaborative divorce, everyone in the room–attorneys, financial advisors, mental health professionals–are all there to help you and your spouse swiftly and fairly come to a resolution that you both agree on.
BONUS #1: Save your sanity.
With a collaborative divorce you can save your money and you can save your time but probably the most important aspect about collaborative divorce is that it will save your sanity. Don’t be mistaken, the collaborative divorce process isn’t all rainbows and butterflies but it is a much more respectful environment compared to a litigated divorce where one party usually ends up with the short end of the stick. In a collaborative divorce, the meetings take place outside of the courtroom, and with the help of your Board Certified attorney in Marital and Family Law and a couple other professionals, discussions take place until both parties are in agreement about the terms of the divorce. A litigated divorce has only one person make all of the decisions—the judge—and that’s only if a divorce makes it to trial, compared to a mutual agreement between both parties and their professional representatives to reach the best outcome for everyone involved.
BONUS #2: Your children will be happier too.
As hard as going through a divorce may be, think about how hard it might be for any children you have. You or your spouse may have wanted a divorce but your children probably don’t feel the same way. And depending on their age, they may not truly understand what’s happening or what a divorce means for their daily lives after a divorce is set in motion. A collaborative divorce aims to keep everyone civil, especially when children are involved. With the Collaborative Divorce Process, maintaining some sort of acquiescent relationship with your former spouse is possible, and should definitely be considered a priority when both parents will be sharing custody of the children and having to co-parent alongside each other.
Collaborative Divorce and Collaborative Family Law has been around for some time now but hasn’t been adopted by every divorce attorney, and it isn’t widely known with the regular population either. If you want to try a collaborative divorce in Boca Raton or are looking for a Collaborative Family Law firm in South Florida or to learn more about it, you need to turn to someone who is expertly trained in the collaborative law process. Doreen Yaffa from Yaffa Family Law Group is Board Certified in Marital and Family Law by The Florida Bar Board of Legal Specialization and Education. Only six percent of all South Florida attorneys are Board Certified with only 275 of those attorneys Board Certified in Marital and Family Law in Florida.
For more information on Collaborative Family Law or divorce attorneys in South Florida, click here. To get in touch with Doreen or an associate from Yaffa Family Law Group, fill out this contact form or give us a call at 561-276-3880.